Fruity Friday

During Milan and Paris menswear S/S 2012 fashion weeks, the streets have been filled with people wearing all sorts of fruits. Prada’s bananas (especially loved by the stronger sex, Tim Blanks rocked the print) plus Stella’s lemons and oranges were  seen everywhere. Remember, I have warned you before that this might happen. Please click here for the previous post in February.

And with the EHEC virus going around, wearing vitamins seems a lot more healthier than consuming them.






STREETFSNPhotos: © Tommy Ton, Streetfsn, Upscale

I love my fruits. Recently at the Lovers Lane party with Bex Rox, I wore my Stella McCartney citrusy print dress with my Prada bananas earrings. Python Palais shoes by YSL, necklace Bex Rox.

LoL, Sandra


261350_10150654847415268_188271525267_18838190_1840507_nPhotos: © Kevin McHey